sad quotes about love from books

It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder not to be able to love. – Miguel de Unamuno If you ever get rejected by anyone, don’t worry the problem is not in you but in that person.09/01/2022 · Human beings love one another. It is cheap because people love each other. Love is the second name of sadness and pain. Then people like to read sad love quotes. The sad love quotes play an important role to make you feel better and fresh. The sad love quotes have beautiful and golden words, the words of sad love quotes touch the hearts.16/12/2021 · Sad love quotes to lighten your sorrows. 11. “I cannot eat, I cannot drink; the pleasures of youth and love are fled away: there was a good time once, but now that is gone, and life is no longer life.” – Plato . 12. “Falling in love is like holding a candle. Initially it lightens up the world around you. Then it starts melting and hurt you.18/11/2015 · — David Levithan, Love is the Higher Law. Click Here To Buy. 4. "So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and …393. “There is no hatred in my love for you. Only a sadness I feel all the more strongly for my inability to explain or describe it.” – David Foster Wallace. 394. “The more you love, the greater the risk. The less you love, the greater the regrets.” – Maxime Lagacé. 395.23/01/2017 · “Love: a single word, a wispy thing, a word no bigger or longer than an edge. That’s what it is: an edge, a razor. It draws up through the center of your life, cutting everything in two. Before and after. The rest of the world falls away on either side.” Delirium. Lauren Oliver

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sad quotes about love from books, and some pretty lovely quotes from the past. The list is surprisingly long so I thought I'd share it for the ages.

"There is no greater blessing or curse in the world than seeing one's spouse be cursed for her character, her family or their love and her life. In The Lord of the Rings, it is a curse of the universe itself. Such lies are the basis of our world's history." [1]

- J.R.R. Tolkien

"The Ring of Circe must have been the last gift to be discovered in the early months of the story, but a small portion of that 'lost' item still held the mysterious power to lead countless others, until the arrival of an evil being in the wilds of Thedas where he was set. After several journeys through the great lands of the North, where the Elves and the Humans fought for control of The Ring, the Ringsmith fell in love with the elves. The ring began to be stolen from her by the powerful being who had taken it without giving her any indication of what that object was. The Ring was never handed on to any of the Elves, but as Sauron approached it, the other world began to fall apart in an unspeakable rage. He left behind pieces of a ring he had been held by her and buried in her graves. A powerful creature brought this object, known as the Ringwraith, to him

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